17 de abr. de 2008

O Rio de Janeiro sob olhos canadenses - sem entrada e sem juros

- I always find it funny when something that I thought was strange about Brazil shows up in the news, five years later (i.e. calling  yourself Catholic when you disagree with the Pope about 90% of official church doctrine).

A frase acima fazia referencia a esta noticia. Nao precisa ser canadense pra nao entender essa compulsao parcelatoria, ne? 

Perguntado sobre mais curiosidades brasileiras, eis as questoes que ainda intrigam o nosso visitante:

- "Screaming at the top of your lungs on the sidewalk: just annoying or an effective marketing strategy?"

- "All those cheap Hershey chocolate bars: where the hell do they get them?! (and btw, are those real Gillette razor blades?!"

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